13. Juli 2023 von ,

Panoptikum 23-14 #Threads #Liebe #Vertrauen

Neue Konkurrenz für Twitter, Umut Özdemir erhält Preis für Wissenschaftskommunikation, Forschung zum Vertrauen in die Wissenschaft und zu journalistischer Berichterstattung unter extremen Bedingungen in Katastropheneinsätzen. Das plus aktuelle Jobs und Termine sind die Themen im Panoptikum.

23. Juni 2023 von

Unlocking the Potential of Global Science Communication

Is a global center going to revolutionize science communication? An interview with science communication experts Jenni Metcalfe and Toss Gascoigne, who emphasize the importance of diverse cultures, knowledge systems, and inclusive approaches. 

26. Mai 2023 von

„In the Arab world, people believe in science“

What are the main issues, challenges and debates in the field of science communication in the Arab world? Are there any differences compared to Western countries? Mohamed Elsonbaty Ramadan, co-founder of the Arab Forum of Science Media and Communication and vice president of the PCST Network, provides an overview of current issues and discussions.

20. April 2023 von , ,

Panoptikum 23-8 #PCST #MaiLab #Misperceptions (EN)

The annual PCST Network meeting, Mai Thi Nguyen-Kim’s resignation from her YouTube channel MaiLab and new research on misperceptions surrounding scientific topics. These and other topics as well as current community event dates are available today in the Panoptikum.