About Us

The website is a cooperation project of Science in Dialogue (Wissenschaft im Dialog), the National Institute of Science Communication (Nationales Institut für Wissenschaftskommunikation) and the professorship of Annette Leßmöllmann at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie). It is supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung) and the Klaus Tschira Foundation (Klaus Tschira Stiftung).

Science communication is continually developing and changing. In addition to new tools and means of communication, there are also changing content requirements in science communication. The community is growing and becoming increasingly professional. Here on Wissenschaftskommunikation.de  we stay abreast of these changes and provide an information and discussion-platform for communicators, scientists, science journalists and other interested people.

Fishbowl discussion, Science Slam or BarCamp – which format is best for which kind of science communication? What are the latest trends and developments in the field – what is the community discussing? What is being researched in the science of science communication and what results are available? What does a career in science communication look like? What options are there for getting into the field and for getting further training on the job? What guidelines are recommended or under discussion? How can communication projects get funding?

The platform aims to  provide answers to these questions. Wissenschaftskommunikation.de reflects on current trends and topics and provides support for everyday work in science communication. We invite users to contribute by proposing new formats or getting involved as guest authors.


Dr. Benedikt Fecher, Michael Wingens, Dr. Anna Henschel and Jana Fritsch from Wissenschaft im Dialog

Dr. Philipp Niemann and Dr.Sabrina Schröder from Nationales Institut für Wissenschaftskommunikation

Former Team Members

Advisory Board

Wissenschaftskommunikation.de has an Advisory Board. Composed of representatives from public relations, journalism, science and the Science of Science Communication. Their task is to support the editorial staff with regard to content and strategy.
